Sunday, May 22, 2005

Chapter One - The beginning

My first memories are of a bone chilling cold and a pitch-black darkness. Then a light, a pinpoint started to glow way off in the distance. I had no idea of time or what time even was. Just jumbled things running through my mind at first. As the light grew, the jumbles started to come together. I wanted to move to the light, but I seemed to have no will of my own. I had memories of moving, of even flying but I seemed unable to do those things of memory.

Then a yearning started eating away at me. The light became a warm glow. I could "see" things. Not with my eyes, but with my mind. I watched my father move about, I could see what he saw; I could see myself through his loving eyes. I tried for a long time to communicate with him, to let him know I was there and alive. The glow got stronger and brighter until soon I could see all, but alas, I still could not talk to him. My understanding of whom or what I was at that time was still a mystery; I just yearned to be free of my prison.

I remember when I learned to feel things. A knight came to our abode and I remember clearly that father was highly agitated. I didn't understand what this was, but I could feel it through him. I learned also on that day other feelings such as disgust with man and the pleasure of killing as father went on his rampage. I saw and felt it all. Another surprising feeling that struck me that day was the absolute joy in fathers being when he flew. His whole body radiated it, as if he literally glowed from it. I wanted to be flying alongside him, and so I learned yet another feeling, jealousy. This feeling I did not enjoy and hoped that I would never feel it again against my father, who was my love and creator. This I know now.

As the light came and went I grew stronger. Father, at times, would stand next to me murmuring words of magic. At others, he would just talk to me of things I had not learned to comprehend. I could feel his love for me; it was a heat that engulfed me when he stood near. I yearned so to answer him, and yet had not developed enough to do so. Frustration was another new feeling that came to haunt me then, and it was another I did not enjoy. I could also feel fathers life essence start to drain from him. This terrified me.

I think it was when I realized this that I found a way to "speak" to him. It was when he was sleeping, when he was completely vulnerable and his mind was clear. I started thinking to myself "Please make me; please father, make me whole". I repeated and repeated it until he "heard" me. I felt a response in him, a minute one, but still a response. After that day, I practiced until I started getting bigger responses. He would actually wake upon hearing my voice, and turn to look at me. That was the happiest day of my short life up to that point.

The light hours were starting to become shorter when another knight came to challenge father. I could feel his essence become more agitated with the interruption. This time was different though. He seemed more pressed for time instead of angry with the knight. I was disappointed when he just killed the knight and stayed home. I wanted so much to take that flight with him. I had a feeling that we would never be able to fly together in real life, much less in his mind. His urgency created a roll over effect on me. The more urgent he became to complete me, the more I impressed on him to make me. When his life force suddenly went very weak after performing his magic on me, I changed my chant to "Make me live, father, make me live!" I felt that inner glow inside him start to fade. It was now or never.

"Father! Make me live! Father! Make me live!" I shouted in my minds eye over and over again. He woke with a start and looked at me. I could see the comprehension in his eyes. He got up and started to chant again. I was suddenly overwhelmed with more of his memories. I didnt know what to make of them, but I knew they were important. After a while I felt myself get very warm. I felt I was coming into being and it excited but saddened me. I knew that fathers time was getting very short. The warmer I got, the more I felt him fade. "Why does it have to be this way?" I thought to myself. "I want so much to fly with him side by side." I felt sadness over take me, and it was then I knew I was taking form. I felt a tear roll down my cheek as father laid back down, his breathing very shallow.

I experimented slowly at first, moving an arm. It hurt but was not extremely painful. Opening my eyes completely I turned my head, seeing for the first time with my eyes, not fathers. The cave was very beautiful. It was lit from a fire lake in the back, and you could see treasures scattered here and there. Jewels and gold objects everywhere. Father was lying asleep on a large pile of gold coins. Off in one corner of the lab was a huge library of sorts. Piles of scrolls and parchment lay scattered on the floor and falling from a stone table. Next to me was a pile of stone shards, debris from father's creation of me. Moving one foot at a time I attempted walking. It was difficult at first but became easier. It was wonderful to just be able to move!

I reached up to touch myself as I was in human form. My body was soft and supple, and my fingers traced over it slowly, reveling in being able to touch and feel at last. Pulling my hair around towards my face, I saw that it was flaming red, very thick and luxurious. When I let it go it cascaded down my back, past my waist. The feeling of it touching me was amazing, so soft against my skin. I stretched like a cat, and walked around to look and touch everything. Curiosity kept me busy while my mind listened to fathers breathing. I could still hear him and see his dreams. I knew his last breath was close but something told me it was not the right time to wake him yet. He was dreaming of me, of making me and watching me become real.

Walking around and exploring the cave kept me busy until waning light. My mind stayed connected to fathers at all time. His dreams faded in and out from the past to the present in a whirl of colors. It pleased me that his last thoughts were of me and with a heavy sigh I knew that now was the time to wake him. With a heavy heart I approached father and called out to him. "Wake, Lord, it is time" I said softly with my mind and mouth. Touching him gently he stirs and looks up at me with wonder in his eyes. In his mind I can hear him think about how beautiful I am to him. It pleases me to make him so happy is his last moments before long night. He draws up a little and softly tells me "One more enchantment, Dearest" and begins to mutter to himself.

I draw myself up fully with the hope of making him proud in these last moments. He looks up again; eyes almost closed, and tells me to touch him. I reach out and touch his claw. With a blaze of white light I am taken over as all of his memories and knowledge of magic pour into me at once. I can feel my body stiffen and arch from the totality of it. Wide eyed with wonder at what he is giving me makes me tremble with excitement. With one last look at father, I feel his heartbeat slow and stop. I see through his minds eye he is looking at me when his last breath comes, and I know for certain he has gone into long night. Moving towards the entrance and with tears running down my cheeks, I morph to my dragon form, spread my wings and with absolute joy leap into the air. With just a couple of strong wing beats I am free of the cave and taking that much anticipated first flight... alone.

1 comment:

David Edward said...

so well written, first time I visited this side